Tuesday, March 27, 2012

To Tired To Write

I'm sorry but I am too tired to write today.  I have the Clermont 70.3 coming up in about 20 days and I have been hitting the gym, pool, pavement and bike way too much.  My eyes are droopy and the coffee has not hit my veins yet.  Here is a quick update of the weekend.

Me hanging out with the Geico lizard.
"I once caught a fish this big"
(Name that movie)

This is what my 11 mile run looked like at 5:00 AM!!

I did a 43 mile bike ride in the wind.
I nearly bonked.

After the bike ride I got some anti-bonk medicine!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tour de Cure - Orlando

Me sporting my alma mater jersey during the Tour de Cure Ride.
The cool part is the SWAG stop was at UCF.
The DJ played the school song as I pulled in.
Very cool.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Translation Tuesday - Short Run

Short Run (Noun)

Normal Definition
For most people I know a short run is the distance between the car and the Starbuck's/McDonalds entrance. A short run for most Americans is only performed if it is raining and they forget their umbrella.  Sadly this is also considered their LONG and ONLY run.

Example of Short Run
Honey, it's raining grab the kid and lets run to the door before the rain comes down harder.

Runners/Triathletes Definition
This can not be defined.  This can mean a 1 mile to a 100 mile run.  A short run for some is the longest run some will ever do.  A friend of mine is training for a 100 mile running event.  The other night she did a short run of 30 miles.  For me a short run is about 6 miles.  For some it would be 1 mile run.  But it does not matter if yours is 1 mile or 30 miles as long as you are moving and enjoying the run.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Weekend Happenings


This weekend I will be riding in the Orlando Tour de Cure.  Last year I planned on cycling this as a century but I got really sick (103F temperature) and could not participate.  This year I did not prepare myself for the century.  I will probably be riding the 62 -77 mile race.  It all depends on how I feel that morning and what my team plans on riding.  Is anyone else planning to cycle this event?

I need this ride to boost my confidence for my upcoming Clermont 70.3.  Last year Clermont's heat, humidity and hills kick my butt.  Of the four 70.3s I did last year, Clermont was by far the toughest.  I am a little scare of this race this year.  Thankfully, they moved the race up a few months to avoid the horrible Florida summer heat.  The feels like temperature for the race last year was 100-110F.  This caused my knee and my lower back to knot-up and spasm.  It also caused many people to have heat related sicknesses.  Hopefully this year will be different.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Translation Tuesday - Lunch Time

Lunch Time (noun)

Normal Definition

Around noon each work day, normal people actually get to enjoy some time to take a break and eat a small meal.  Sometimes it's at their desk but most of the time people actually get to sit down with their co-workers and enjoy a meal and socialization.

Examples of "Lunch Time"
  • Hey Tommy, it's lunch time.  Let's go to Friday's and have a hamburger and fries.

Normal Visual Example

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I had to include this one for Bonnie.
!!Accounting Trolls!!

Triathlete Meaning:
  • Rushing to the gym to do one (or more) of the following for an hour:
    • Lift weights
    • Run on the dreadmill
    • Hopping on the cycling machines
    • Swim laps in the pool while counting random floaties (band aids, hair, hair clips, etc) or just staring at the never ending blue line
    • Hopefully having enough time to take a shower so you do not stink out your coworkers.  (worse case just throwing on some extra deodorant).
  • Shoveling down food while working because your lunch was spent doing one (or more) of the above tasks.

Triathlete Visual Example:

Oh no!! I forgot to bring my lunch today!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Swimming in the Rain

Yes, it was raining that hard!
Sunday, I was all set to finally do an outdoor ride.  It seems like every weekend it has either rained or family todos have blocked me from cycling.  I have not cycled outside since November's Miami Man 70.3.  I got to get outside.  I have Clermont 70.3 coming up in about 30-40 days. 

Me looking like a wet dog.

The temperature outside was suppose to be great with only a 30% chance of rain all day.  Well, fire that weatherman.  I rained from the minute I hit the bike till long into the night.  It rained so hard I think I was bike and swim training at the same time.  Now, that's time management!!

Needless to say my outting was in less than steller conditions.  It rained the entire ride with high winds.  Only 5 crazy people showed up for the ride and were foolish enough to go out in the rain.  Those who did ride had fun and made the best of the situation. 

Thank god for the glasses keeping all the mud and rain out of my eyes.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Translation Tuesdays - "Sleeping In"


Normal Definition

For normal people sleeping in is done on the weekend.  Having the day off affords the person to naturally awaken to the sweet sound of the birds.  For those with children sleeping in still occurs but is generally less than those with non-children.  In college and high school sleeping in is an art form.  High school kids sleep in till around noon.

Examples of "Sleeping In"
  • Wow, isn't it nice to have the day off and being able get up whenever I want.

Normal Visual Example

Waking up to the sound of the bird and the rising sun.

Triathlete Meaning:
  • Getting up so early that you piss off the rosters for waking them up. 
  • Getting up so early that collage kids and night clubbers are still working on getting back to their homes to sleep in.
  • Getting up so early the dog refuses to get out of bed to go for a walk. 
  • Sleeping is usually the days we have to go to work.
  • All this is done in the name of "fun" and "training."
Triathlete Visual Example

My ACTUAL sleeping in alarms from my last race.
I actually got up at 0330 on a Sunday to run 13.1 miles in
feels like 26F freezing weather.